In media class we got a project to create a fake news story in light of all the fake news that have been going around online. The news story had to be believable, and we were allowed to use any outlet we wanted to. I chose BBC, because i view them as a reliable source. My news story was originally going to be something along the lines of "Bill O'Reilly fired from Fox News", but that actually happend.
I shifted my focus to Tesla's new cars, and I decided to write this news story. Originally, I did in the layout of a news story that was shared like this. I never finished it because it didn't count as an outlet, so I switched over to BBC.
As you can see i changed the picture when switching over, because it felt more like advertisment when i used the car as the picture.
Fake news is the phenomena of news that are simply false, but they seem believable and shocking enough to share around. The term "fake news" has been popularized by President Donald Trump, as he uses it quite often to describe news networks like CNN, MSNBC etc. Fake news are dangerous because they spread incorrect information, and it's almost a bit tragic that we have to have classes dedicated to fake news awareness.
There is some truth to what i wrote, Tesla did recently release the Telsa S and Tesla X models. This makes it timely. To make people click on my fake news I made a questionable headline, with a picture of Elon Musk.
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